Test Case of OpenERP Report Desinger Plugin into OpenOffice Writer ==================================================================== 1. Connecting to the OpenERP Server -> OpenERP server ok -> OpenERP server not running -> Warning if base_report_designer not installed. 2. Creating Report -> List of objects in sorted order by name 3. Existing Report -> Exception if open non modifiable report (no sxw) -> List of exisiting report in sorted order 4. Fields to Brackets -> Find the data correctly. -> Data for things like [[ '%.2f' % o.amount ]] is completed. -> Test on normal Sale Order -> Test on normal Purchase Order 5. Modifying report -> Adding field if no initial repeatIn -> Adding fields (demo data correct) -> Adding loop -> Adding field within a loop -> Adding loop in a section -> Adding loop in a table -> Adding a loop in a table within a loop in a section -> Adding fields within a loop within a loop -> check context correct or not 6. Modifying a field -> modify a field. -> modify a loop. -> modify an expression corretly -> Display correct data in all these cases 7. Sending Report -> send in .SXW if user forgot to save as sxw -> Select with/without header -> Select between sxw/pdf -> Save as .odt and send to the server (check it is converted to sxw or warning) 8. Printing Report into OpenERP clients -> Print report -> check images appears in report correctly or not. -> check report With or Without Header. -> check SXW working or not. -> check PDF working or not 9. Print as SXW -> Check Send as attachment working or not and also check it is Attached to the right document. 10. Miscelleanous -> check the translation tag working. -> Save to RML.